Self-care practices keep us happy and healthy daily. However, you need more than everyday routines. You too need a set of seasonal routines.
That is because the seasons affect our physical and psychological well-being. Studies show that seasonal changes in sunlight, temperature, and weather affect humans profoundly. Seasonal shifts affect every aspect of our lives, such as emotions, metabolism, hormones, and sleep cycles.
To restore the balance between your body and the surrounding environment, you need to adjust your self-care routines when the seasons change. That may sound complicated, but it is not. Here are a few simple self-care tips to follow during the winter months.
1. Change From Your Summer Routines
During the summer, you may do things a certain way, but in the winter, you need to adjust your routines to meet the unique demands of the winter season.
Get off one stop early on the train and walk the rest of the way to work in the winter. This minor tweak in your daily routine will help you get more exercise and sunlight exposure, which you will need more in the winter.
2. Put On Some Warm Clothing
Ring out your woolens to keep warm if the weather is freezing outside. Woolen and flannel-based clothing can keep you warm and protect you from getting a cold. Also, keep an extra jacket or cardigan on hand if the temperature dips if you’re traveling.
3. Make the Most of the Sunlight
Light has a profound effect on people’s mood regarding the shorter days and lessening sunlight throughout the colder months. Studies have shown that Seasonal Affective Disease (SAD) patients have trouble regulating serotonin, a hormone responsible for mood regulation. Doctors recommend sunlight as part of (SAD) comprehensive treatment.
As a result, if you can’t get out in the fresh air before or after work, open up your curtains, blinds, and windows to let in as much natural light as possible.
4. Maintain a Healthy and Active Lifestyle
Because of the cold weather, most people must adjust their fitness plans or physical activity. Get some winter activity in if you don’t have a routine in place. For example, go skiing, ice skating, snowshoeing, or winter hiking.
If you want to work out at home, various options are available, including yoga, dancing lessons, and gyms. Don’t allow the cold weather to be an excuse for not exercising every day.
5. Set Up a Daily Routine
Winter can make it difficult to maintain a regular schedule. Many people’s sleep schedules are off over the holiday season. It is due to time off from work, school, parties, and the countless errands that need attention. A consistent sleep-wake cycle is essential, so make a plan and stick to it.
6. Cultivate and Embrace Your Creative Side
Make use of the time you have to be creative indoors. Art and craft activities can positively improve one’s mental health. There have been reports of reduced anxiety, and depression. Also a sense of accomplishment, and self-esteem.
One of the best things about crafts is that you can do them solo or in a group. There is something for everyone from painting, scrapbooking, knitting, woodworking, and jewelry making. This winter, bring out an old favorite or experiment with something new.
7. Get Vaccinated Against the Flu
Self-care activities such as getting a flu shot aren’t always fun. Although, it is something you should do for your well-being. Consult your physician to determine if a flu vaccination is appropriate for you.
The Bottom Line
Now that you’ve received a few tips for your winter self-care, it’s time to mark your calendar. As with most things, making a strategy for how and when you will take care of yourself increases your chances of following through.
Cold weather doesn’t have to bring you down. Think of these self-care tips as a way to be healthy and happy. So, where do you begin? Try to fit in one new self-care activity each week.