

Benefits of Counseling for Seniors

Society refers to them as the ‘Golden Years’ for a reason. There’s a lot to look forward to, such as retirement and a slower-paced way of life. As with many life transitions, aging can be challenging. Counseling can be beneficial at this stage, even though most ignore it. Old age brings a wealth of rewarding […]

What is Nurses Week?

Every year, National Nurses Week is celebrated from May 6, National Nurses Day, to May 12, International Nurses Day—the birthday of Florence Nightingale, founder of modern nursing. It takes place annually and this is going to mark the 202nd year of celebration!! Both National Nurses Day and what has become the “Week of the Nurse” are […]

How Does Technology Benefit the Elderly?

In some ways, it’s true what they say about how easy it is for the younger generation to adopt new technologies. Technology isn’t for kids anymore. All ages can benefit from advancements in technology. Older people can see how technology is changing the way people live and work. For example, staying connected with family and […]

How Seniors Can Manage Financial Stress and Anxiety

Finances can be challenging to manage especially as you get older. According to the National Council on Aging, over 15 million Americans 65 years and older are economically insecure. With no more income from a job during retirement, handling certain financial burdens can be difficult. Whether you have minor or significant money-related complications, these obstacles […]

Tips to Keep Your Mood up on Spring Rainy Days

You have probably noticed when the rain falls, your mood goes down with it. Your gloomy mood may be just a coincidence. But can rain deflate your mood? Spring rainy days can have a depressing effect on people. Bad weather can affect your mood, so it’s not uncommon to feel down during a downpour. According […]

Organization Tips

Spring comes with the assurance of warmer weather, busier schedules, pretty flowers, and fun organizing projects! The season is the perfect time to refresh your home with new sunlight (and new organization systems too). That feeling of joy that washes over you as you can finally open the windows to let in the warm breeze, […]

How to Stick with Your Morning Routine During Spring Forward

Rolling the clock ahead one hour in the spring and back one hour in the fall does not only affect your schedule, it can inevitably throw off your body’s internal clock, too, and lead up to a week or more to adjust. That hour you have lost from sleep can leave you feeling cranked up […]

Tips for Coping With Spring Allergies

Unless you suffer from allergies, nothing beats spending time outside in the warm spring sunshine after a long, chilly winter. In the spring, plants produce pollen as they bloom and grow, which can trigger allergic reactions. If you are allergic to a particular type of pollen, you may suffer from what most people refer to […]